Episode 31

On a mission to restore the Oslo Fjord, with Anoushka Nordby from Fjord CleanUP

Today's guest is Anoushka Nordby from Fjord CleanUP.

Fjord CleanUP is a non-profit environmental organization supporting the restoration and protection of the Inner Oslo Fjord’s natural marine environment. They organize weekly voluntary cleaning events  where they provide volunteers with stand up paddle boards, kayaks, diving equipment and all the gear necessary to clean marine pollution out of the fjord.

Their fun and engaging way of making a change is spreading, and hopefully we can se initiatives like this everywhere with a coastline in the near future. The best thing would of course be if the cleaning was unnecessary, but at the moment we are far away from that.

Fjord CleanUP is on a mission to REDUCE the littering, RESTORE the fjord and to REVITALIZE the ecosystem.  And I suspect they are having quite a bit of fun as well!

Webpage: Fjord CleanUP
Fjord CleanUP on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
Article in Aftenposten

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for Stories for the future: Conversations about Energy, Climate & Career
Stories for the future: Conversations about Energy, Climate & Career
Building Bridges and Bursting Bubbles in the Energy Revolution

About your host

Profile picture for Veslemøy Klavenes-Berge

Veslemøy Klavenes-Berge

Geophysicist by formal education, with a background within mobile satellite communication and the oil and gas industry. I did a 180 degree pivot in my career in 2016 and have since then focused all my energy and time to explore how we can have the optimal combination of the three pillars;
a good life - an interesting job - a healthy planet.
I have a strong sense of urgency when it comes to the huge challenges we are facing in the years to come, especially when it comes to climate change, but I strongly believe in the potential in people to step up and do the work when it is really needed.
That time is now.