Episode 15

Moving into the amazing world of seaweed, with Eva Helen Rognskog from SATPOS

What do you know about seaweed? This fantastic resource has so many benefits and areas of use, and after I started reading up on it, I almost can't stop talking about it!

This is also true for my guest on today's episode. Actually this is a real love story and I suspect this is just the beginning of a long and exciting journey.
Today’s guest is Eva Helen Rognskog. She is co-founder and CEO of SATPOS, a company that develops sensors and monitoring systems for ocean data management in the harshest environments at sea. 

SATPOS has primarily been working towards the maritime offshore industry, but recently, and at what I would call lightning speed, they started the green transition into a new focus area of scaling up the seaweed industry. 

As Eva Helen says, a year ago she hardly knew anything about seaweed. Now SATPOS is doing an amazing job in the field, both in the development of technology for the seaweed farmers, but also with creating awareness and to help scale up the industry.

And what an exciting industry this is! I was quite excited by seaweed before our talk, but what I learnt during this conversation with Eva Helen, made be really enthusiastic! It’s an amazing resource with so many benefits, and I can’t wait to follow this journey further.

Follow Eva Helen and SATPOS on LinkedIn.

The Seaweed for Europe Coalition.

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for Stories for the future: Conversations about Energy, Climate & Career
Stories for the future: Conversations about Energy, Climate & Career
Building Bridges and Bursting Bubbles in the Energy Revolution

About your host

Profile picture for Veslemøy Klavenes-Berge

Veslemøy Klavenes-Berge

Geophysicist by formal education, with a background within mobile satellite communication and the oil and gas industry. I did a 180 degree pivot in my career in 2016 and have since then focused all my energy and time to explore how we can have the optimal combination of the three pillars;
a good life - an interesting job - a healthy planet.
I have a strong sense of urgency when it comes to the huge challenges we are facing in the years to come, especially when it comes to climate change, but I strongly believe in the potential in people to step up and do the work when it is really needed.
That time is now.